Navigate Feature Spotlight: September 2021
Karen Watson, Navigate Feature Spotlight for June 2021, Advising Matters.

Devair Jeffries
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
In what capacity do you use Navigate’s Advanced Search within your college or department?
I use Navigate searches for all three of the main roles within my position as the Assistant Director for Diversity & Academic Success to find student information, make appointments with them, and track their progress. I am also able to identify students in various categories based on academic status, race, and other identity markers. The aforementioned roles are:
- Academic Recovery Advisor
- Diversity Director & Recruitment/Retention Programming & Initiatives
- Program Director for BGM (Black Girl Magic), a Black female mentoring program
What is the most useful search or information you have ran and why?
I typically search by name, student ID, and/or race. Sometimes I'll add college/major, term, and/or GPA. These searches are useful because they allow me to track students' progress, class schedule, GPA, and/or demographic information.
What is a reason you would tell others about how you use Advanced Search within Navigate for?
I think the advanced search feature in Navigate would be helpful to researchers or directors who are wanting to target particular students to work with or inform about projects. I have found that being able to sort and search with these different categories has helped me reach more students overall, even when I may be looking for a specific subset.