Navigate Feature Spotlight: November 2021
Hillary Gaskins, Navigate Feature Spotlight for November 2021, Advising Matters.

Hillary Gaskins
Academic Advisor, Pamplin College of Business
In what capacity do you use Navigate’s Advanced Search within your college or department?
As an academic advisor in the Pamplin College I’ve used a few different reports this semester. The ones I’ve used most frequently have been to determine who had/had not completed course request, students planning to graduate in the spring and to keep track of which students have had or have not had appointments with me this semester. These reports allow me to be proactive in my outreach to students. I’ve been able to use the tags and categories to really narrow down my reports.
What is the most useful search or information you have ran and why?
I started at Virginia Tech in May and so far the most useful report I’ve run is for appointments and determining who I haven’t had the chance to meet with yet. I want to make sure my students know who I am, what I do and how I can be a resource for them. This reporting feature has allowed to have targeted outreach for those specific students.
What is a reason you would tell others about how you use Advanced Search within Navigate for?
Running reports is a great way to gather information and data points about your students so you can have proactive communication and discussions.