Navigate Feature Spotlight: August 2021
Karen Watson, Navigate Feature Spotlight for June 2021, Advising Matters.

Karen Watson
College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
In what capacity do you use Navigate reports within your college or department?
I have been using Navigate reports in the development and planning for centralizing academic advising in Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. We are concerned about the number of advisees an academic advisor has assigned to them so I’ve been pulling data using the Report function. I also use the reports to make sure that all of our new students and changes of major are assigned to an academic advisor in a timely manner. The data I can pull using the student info (Students Active for Term) is also being used to update our College’s Google Groups. I immediately have the data that I need to take care of the update.
What is the most useful report you have ran and why?
The Student Info (Students Active for Term) is the most useful report to me because it provides a listing of all of the advisors that are assigned to a student. In that report the athletic coaches and SAASS advisors can be easily identified and taken off the listing so we can better determine if a student has an advisor, if they have the correct advisor, or if there is an old advisor from a former major that was left on their record when they changed their major. It also provides all students who have a primary, second or even third major in our college. Once we sort out the data it makes it easier for us to then determine advising loads.
What is a reason you would tell others they should use reports within Navigate for?
The immediate access you have to a variety of data points about your students. The data that you can pull from the reports can be drilled down to be more specific information such GPA or you can keep all of the data points about a student that is provided through these reports and utilize it in a variety of ways throughout the semester.