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Virtual Academic Advising & Course Registration

Updated May 2024

125% Rule

2-Factor Authentication

Academic Support

AP, IB, CLEP, & Cambridge Credit

Athlete/Student Athlete:

Chemistry (PDF)

Computer Requirement

Cook Counseling Center

Corps of Cadets/Highty-Tighties (PDF)

Corps/ROTC Required Courses List

Cranwell International Center

English: There is no advanced standing or SSWPI Placement. Students either have to bring college credit or enroll in the English course.

First Year Course List (PDF)

First-Year Experiences

Health Professions Advising

Honors College


Marching Virginians

Pathways to General Education:

Pre-Law Studies

Schiffert Health Center: Forms are due by June 30, 2024. If your form is not received by the due date, you will be subject to a late fee of $100.

Services for Student with Disabilities (SSD)

Teacher Education

Transfer Credit:


Veterans Services/VA Education Benefits

You're In, Now What?