Jett Sable

Office/Department/Unit: VT Engage
Institution you transferred from: Virginia Western Community College
Institution you transferred to: James Madison University
What was the biggest challenge you encountered as a transfer college student and how did you overcome it? Coming into a place where most people knew how things worked. When you do not, it shows. Some ostracized me because of this, but I did not let it get to me. I stayed curious and knew I would find my people. I kept asking questions to everyone I encountered: professors, students, members of the community. To my surprise, I was welcomed by all kinds of people in different organizations and majors. Putting myself out there was challenging at times, but it was worth it.
What is one piece of advice you would give transfer college students? Be patient and confident in yourself. Adjusting to an environment in which others have established friend groups, extracurricular activities, and acclimation to the educational structure takes time. Give yourself some grace and remember all that you have to offer. It may be lonely and frustrating at times. Keep putting yourself out there. Keep being curious. Before you know it, you will feel like a hokie after all!