Jenni Gallagher

Office/Department/Unit: Office of General Education
Institution you transferred from: Piedmont Virginia Community College
Institution you transferred to: University of Virginia
What was the biggest challenge you encountered as a transfer college student and how did you overcome it? As a first-gen student, I knew absolutely nothing about college culture when I got to UVa. Everyone else seemed to know what they were doing and I felt very intimidated. I also had a serious case of imposter syndrome, thinking there was no way that I belonged there. I just focused on my school work and tried to appreciate everything I was learning, and by the time I graduated I felt much less insecure.
What is one piece of advice you would give transfer college students? If you feel insecure or uncertain, try to remember that everyone else feels insecure about something as well. No one is as put together as they seem to be. I'd also recommend making a connection with someone you can turn to for support--your advisor or a professor who you feel comfortable with. Sharing your fears and worries with someone who's seen it all before can be very comforting.