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Laura Gazda

Office/Department/Unit: Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI)
Institution you transferred from: Mount Holyoke College
Institution you transferred to: Virginia Tech
What was the biggest challenge you encountered as a transfer college student and how did you overcome it? Coming in January and not knowing anyone was a bit scary! But, I jumped right in, rushed with sororities, became active in the philosophy department, and quickly felt right at home. Between Panhellenic, my sorority, Chi Omega, professors, and staff, I was truly welcomed from the start.
What is one piece of advice you would give transfer college students? Don't hesitate to dive right in. Through all my experiences, I still tell anyone who will hear that faculty, staff, and students are truly the most welcoming and kind. This hasn't changed since I first transferred here in the 90's to now as an employee, PhD student, and when my family returns with me each year to go to a football game. Go to campus events, become involved and it will be a lifelong connection.