William Headley

Office/Department/Unit: Virginia Tech National Security Institute
Institution you transferred from: Danville Community College
Institution you transferred to: Virginia Tech
What was the biggest challenge you encountered as a transfer college student and how did you overcome it? As a transfer student, I missed out on the "dorm life" where a lot of my classmates forged a lot of their social and support networks. To make up for this, I made a strong effort to get to know fellow students in my classes in order to build friendships and have a support network for collaborative study, social activities, etc.
What is one piece of advice you would give transfer college students? An often-overlooked superpower as a student (and in your career) is the strength to say "I don't know" and reach out to professors, classmates, friends, etc. to get help and support. I assure you that your classmates have the same questions and are too worried of "sounding stupid" to ask.