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Marcus Haskett

Office/Department/Unit: Athletics (Virginia Tech Athletic Fund/Hokie Club)
Institution you transferred from: Virginia Union
Institution you transferred to: Virginia Tech
What was the biggest challenge you encountered as a transfer college student and how did you overcome it? Adjusting to a larger classroom setting and holding myself more accountable. I was placed on academic probation and suspension for a semester. That challenge taught me something that still sticks with me today and that is commitment plus perseverance will always each success. After returning from suspension I made the deans list. I was able to bring my cumulative GPA from at 1.4 to a 3.00 by graduation day. I don’t believe I would be the person I am today had I not faced that challenge and persevered through it.
What is one piece of advice you would give transfer college students? You only fail when you give up. FAIL stands for first attempt in learning. As long as you keep going, get comfortable being uncomfortable, and persevere through your challenges, there is no way you won’t be successful at anything you strive to accomplish.