Advisor of the month: June 2022

Shelton Norwood
Building Construction, College of Architecture and Urban Studies
What do you enjoy about your role in advising?
What I enjoy most about advising is having the privilege to work with the students, getting to know each of them individually, and the opportunity to play a pivotal role in their academic success. I am able to build relationships with each of my students and work directly with them as they mature into responsible adults as they build self-confidence and develop their own identity.
In what ways have you contributed to advising in your department/area?
I have contributed to advising in my program by partnering with other university offices and building relationships with those offices so I have a better understanding of the resources they can potentially provide our students. As a member of the university's Advising Strategic Planning Committee, I am able to network with my colleagues across campus and establish a solid and effective method of advising which will be most beneficial to the students. Through these efforts as well as my participation in NACADA, I am able to develop constructive practices which will aid in the successful academic performance of Virginia Tech students.
What advice would you give to other professionals who want to a make a difference in the life of their students?
The best advice I can offer someone hopeful of making a difference in the life of a student is to be honest, open, and respectful. Approachability is essential in developing relationships. Being an active listener who routinely demonstrates empathy as well professionalism will strengthen the advisor/advisee association. Through these practices, I have learned equally as much from my students as they have from me. The result is a strong relationship built on mutual trust and respect as well as a rewarding experience for all involved.