Acadia Lewis

College: College of Natural Resources and Environment
Major: Environmental Conservation and Society
Transfer from: J Sergeant Reynolds CC
What do you enjoy most about VT or your major? I appreciate that my major allows me to explore multiple disciplines within the environmental field to gage a better understanding of where I excel... or maybe need to improve! My curriculum offers practical and engaging topics that grow my confidence by applying what I'm learning, as I'm learning.
What one piece of advice would you give to a potential transfer student? One piece of advice I have is that your experience is what you make it. You don't need to have all of the answers, but I encourage you to go out, be bold, and pursue different avenues until you find one that fits. Trusting and investing in yourself first makes all the difference- the rest will follow, I promise.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years? In ten years, I hope to have a long-term career working closely with innovating technology in environmentalism to help solve today's and tomorrow's global issues. Ideally I will be a leader in sustainability and a role model to others.