Whitney Jackim

College: College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences
Major: Major: Fashion Merchandising and Design Minor: Consumer Studies
Transfer from: Eastern Florida State College, Melbourne Florida
What do you enjoy most about VT or your major? What I love most about VT is the community. It's overall a very welcoming environment and there's just something special about the VT community. I enjoy everything about my major, it's everything I hoped for in a fashion program and my peers and professors are absolutely wonderful.
What one piece of advice would you give to a potential transfer student? Advocate for yourself and ignore the haters. VT is very accommodating about accepting transfer credits, if you put in a little bit more work (especially if you are an out of state student) you can get all your credits accepted. Additionally, it's okay to need another semester or year because of the prerequisites. Ignore the haters who try to make you feel bad, they're just insecure.