Advisor of the month: January 2022

Michelle Crotto
Mining and Minerals Engineering
What do you enjoy about your role in advising?
I enjoy the depth and breath of my role with the MINE department. I get to work with students not only on their academics but also their career path, scholarship exploration and really just life in general. I enjoy getting to talk with new students to the college about all that the mining department can bring them throughout their career at VT. I have learned so much about mining and am always impressed and inspired when working with my students.
In what ways have you contributed to advising in your department/area?
I have been with the mining department just over 6 years and thinking back to when I first begun, I don't know that I would recognize the department back then. I have implemented a sustainable yearly career fair, streamlining the employer/employee connection process, been the sole advisor in the roll out of a brand-new curriculum, and worked on transforming the way we reach GE students looking for the best hands-on major at VT.
What advice would you give to other professionals who want to a make a difference in the life of their students?
My advice to other professionals is to find a network of advisors to help you along. Universities can been cumbersome with rules and regulations but finding experiences advisors can help navigating all the ins and outs of the university much smoother.