Alicia Guite

College: College of Engineering
Major: Computer Science
Transfer from: Texas
What do you enjoy most about VT or your major? The mountains, and hiking! It's so beautiful here and the air quality is lovely.
What one piece of advice would you give to a potential transfer student? If they are in the process of transferring: do not be shy about reaching out for help. Everyone here is rooting for your success. We have all gotten to where we are through the help of others, and one day it will be your turn to give back. For now, do not be shy to ask for what you need! If they have recently transferred: put your health first! Physical and mental. It can be tempting to go to all the campus events and sign up to everything that gets presented to you. After all, you just transferred to your preferred school. But you will be even more limited if you do not prioritize your health!