Keynote Speaker

Kevin P. Thomas, Ed.D.
Vice President for Enrollment Services and Student Success at the University of Central Arkansas
Seeing the Whole Picture: A Unified Approach to Student Success
In today’s dynamic academic environment, the success of students hinges on a comprehensive and unified approach to advising. This keynote will explore the concept of "seeing the whole picture," which emphasizes the importance of collaboration among academic advisors, faculty, staff, and other stakeholders to create a cohesive and supportive environment for students. By breaking down silos and integrating efforts across departments, we can ensure that every aspect of a student’s experience is addressed—from academic needs to personal development and career readiness.
The session will highlight how a unified approach to student success requires academic advising but also the support of a campus community. By adopting a holistic perspective, advisors can better support students in navigating these complexities, ultimately leading to improved outcomes and a more enriching university experience. Join us as we explore how, together, we can see the whole picture and create a thriving community for all students.
About Dr. Thomas
Dr. Kevin Thomas is the Vice President for Enrollment Services and Student Success at the University of Central Arkansas (UCA). Kevin previously served as the Director of Retention and Student Success at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) from 2012 through 2019 where he led efforts that resulted in an increased retention rate over that time of 10%. During his recent career, Kevin was promoted to the Director of the Academic Advising and Retention Center after serving as the Assistant Director of Undergraduate Advising Practices at Western Kentucky University (WKU). Before joining the academic advising profession in 2007, Kevin worked in Housing and Residence Life in various roles at Murray State, Ball State, and WKU.
At UCA, Kevin establishes the collective vision and direction of the offices within Enrollment Services & Student Success, which includes Academic Advising, Admissions, Financial Aid, the Registrar's Office, Online, Transfer, and Returning Student Services, Strategic Enrollment Communication, Student-Athlete Advising, Student Success, and the Veterans Resource Center. Over the past five years, Kevin has been a key leader in the creation of UCA Commitment, a tuition and fee-free program for Arkansas students whose families earn $100,000 or less, a successful transition to a primary role advising on campus, and a scholarship remodel that focuses on high school GPA – not standardized testing requirements. Each of these efforts has strengthened the opportunity to access, the opportunity to succeed, and the opportunity to graduate from UCA. Most recently, UCA experienced an over 22% growth in freshmen through the work of admissions, advising, strategic communication, and providing access and opportunity to college-going students.
Within NACADA, Kevin has served as chair of the Advising Administration Community, the chair of the 2017 Annual Conference in St. Louis, twice a mentor within the Emerging Leaders Program, and served on the Board of Directors from 2019-20. In 2018, Kevin was selected as an Outstanding Advising Administrator within NACADA. Kevin is the current chair of the Administrator’s Institute and has served as a faculty member for the Institute since 2020. In addition, he has presented at numerous campus, state, regional, and annual conferences on topics surrounding retention and student success, advising administration, and the culture of care in your leadership and campus approach.
Dr. Thomas earned his doctorate in Educational Leadership from WKU and his master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Murray State University.