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General Information

Who Should Attend

Professional advisors, counselors, faculty, and administrators working to enhance the educational development of students are encouraged to attend the Advising Matters Conference.

Conference Overview

The Advising Matters Conference will kick off at 8:30 AM on Friday, March 7, 2025, and conclude by 4:15 PM. The 2025 conference will provide you with the following opportunities:

  • Formal and informal networking with faculty and professional advisors committed to facilitating student academic success
  • An interactive workshop and concurrent sessions focusing on advising tools, collaboration across the university and professional development for academic advisors
  • Opportunities for professional development for all advisors
  • Discussions on critical issues in academic advising
  • A range of theoretical, practical, and interactive presentations

For more information about the Advising Matters Conference, please email


  • 8:00–8:30 AM: Registration and Continental Breakfast
  • 8:30–9:00 AM: Welcome
  • 9:00–11:00 AM: Keynote Speaker
  • 11:00–11:15 AM: Break
  • 11:15 AM–12:15 PM: Concurrent Session I
  • 12:15–1:15 PM: Lunch
  • 1:15–1:45 PM: Table Discussions 
  • 1:45–2:00 PM: Break
  • 2:00–3:00 PM: Concurrent Session II
  • 3:00–3:15 PM: Break
  • 3:15–4:15 PM: Concurrent Session III

Concurrent Workshops

More information is coming soon.