Navigate Resources (login required)
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Students can now log in to Navigate Student with their Virginia Tech credentials. Students with access to a personal availability link (PAL) or an appointment campaign link will be automatically routed to Navigate Student.
We have crafted materials to assist Advisors on describing how students can schedule an appointment, download the app, and discuss features within Navigate. They are linked below:
- Hand Raises
- How to download the App
- How to schedule an appointment using the app
- How to schedule an appointment from a Campaign using the app
- How to schedule an appointment from a Campaign using a web browser
- Navigate Staff One Page
- Navigate Student One Page
- Welcome Survey
- Welcome Survey Action Workflow
Our support team is also available to assist with any questions or issues. You can email them at
- Documenting Student Interactions (YouTube Video)
- Guidelines for Advising Reports
In Navigate, kiosks enable self-service check-in to advising and tutoring appointments, study hall, and any other service locations or facilities for which the kiosk functionalities are active. For example, some institutions use kiosks to track computer usage at the library. Administrators could then pull a report on library computer use through the Navigate.
Any laptop or desktop with USB functionality can be used as a kiosk when a user with the correct permissions logs into the Platform and selects “Kiosk Mode” from a menu.
We have a limited number of card swipes, please inquire about this while requesting training for kiosk set-up.
Alerts and Cases within the platform allows for a more intentional interaction with students in the referral process. Anyone with the appropriate access can issue an alert on a student which sends a notification to the office being referred to. At this point the office being referred to will send communication to the student depending on their guidelines in the below chart. The available referral offices continue to grow each semester as we continue to enhance this functionality of the platform.
Categories are a specific way to 'group' similar students together based on information provided from Banner. Categories are 'fluid' and update nightly when Banner and Navigate sync. Some of the current categories found in the platform are:
- 1st Academic Probation
- 1st Academic Suspension
- 2nd Academic Probation
- 2nd Academic Suspension
- 3rd Academic Probation
- Academic Warning
- Active Registration Holds
- All Minors
- Applied for Degree - Student has applied for their degree.
- Corps of Cadets membership
- FAFSA filed for current term
- FERPA waiver on file
- Final Academic Suspension
- First Generation
- Graduate Program Dismissal
- Graduate Program Probation
- Graduated - XX - Indicates that a student has graduated from VT with the speecific level and degree. This category does not appear until the term in which the degree was awarded has closed and passed.
- Honors
- International
- Military Dependents
- NCAA Athletes and their sport
- Non-Citizen National
- Non-Resident Alien - Students who are not US citizens and do not meet additional criteria for tax purposes.
- Permanent Resident
- Transfers
- US Citizen
- Underrepresented Minority - Any ethnic group or race whose representation among students at Virginia Tech is disproportionately less than their proportion in the general population.
- Underserved
- Veterans
- 125% Warning: The student was notified that according to our records, they have attempted total credits equaling or exceeding 100% of the hours required for their declared degree program
- 125% Exceeded: The student was notified that they have attempted total credits equaling or exceeding 125% of the hours required for their declared degree program. As such, the state required tuition surcharge will be applied
Tags are used to signify that a student is part of a particular group. Tags are 'static'- they are manually updated at a specific point in time. Refer to Navigate Newsletters for notifications on dates tags have been updated. Some of the current tags found in the platform are:
- AFD - 20XXXX - Applied for Degree for this term
- Course Request Submitted - XXX: Indicates a student has completed course request for that particular term
- Entering XXX Cohort: Students who entered in summer academy and fall of the particular year
- GR-NVC Admit – Graduate student admitted to the National Capital Region
- GR-NVC Admit, Term Campus 0 - Graduate student admitted to the National Capital Region, current term campus is Blacksburg
- GR-NVC Admit, Term Campus 10 – Graduate student admitted to the National Capital Region, current term campus is virtual
- HUB - students receiving certain scholarships at Virginia Tech, known as scholarship mentoring. This service is provided by University Studies for students from potentially any major
- PCEG: Presidential Campus Enrichment Grant
- Policy 91 Notification: student has been notified they are in violation of Policy 91 and have the current semester to reconcile this violation
- Policy 91 Suspension: student has been notified they need to change their major due to the fact they did not meet Policy 91 requirements
- PSI: Presidential Scholarship Initiative
- PSI-STRADA: Presidential Scholarship Initiatives and STRADA Scholars
- SAP Contract: Failing for GPA: student's cumulative GPA is below 2.0
- SAP Contract: Failing for Pace: student is not completing 67% of their classes with a passing grade
- SAP Contract: Failing for Maximum Timeframe: student is approaching 150% of their program hours
- VTSA XXXX: Students enrolled in Summer Academy for a given year.
- 30 credits per academic year: students who are required to complete 30 credits in an academic year to maintain financial aid awards