College of Architecture, Arts, and Design
Damon Brewer
Office/Department Unit: Creative Technologies (SOVA)
Where did you transfer from?
New River Community College
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
Developing XR interactive experiences that project open-area holography, bridging sci-fi movies with real-world utility and entertainment.
Do you have any campus involvements and/or achievements you want to highlight?
My education goals are sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs, supported by the American taxpayer. I am humbled to be a part of this prestigious University's programs, and grateful for opportunities made available to veterans.
Keely James
Office/Department Unit: Cinema
Where did you transfer from?
Ferrum College
What do you enjoy most about VT or your major?
Thing this that I enjoy most about Virginia Tech is that there are so many people. It is so easy to make friends because everyone is so nice and welcoming. There is also a lot of good food around campus.
What do you hope to be doing in ten years?
In ten years I hope to be traveling around the country working on the sets of various movies and television shows. The alumni from the Virginia Tech program that I'm in are so helpful and have gone on to do great things.